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Hatha Intensive


Hatha Intensive

The Course at Diya Yogashala

The Intensive Hatha Yoga Course offered by Diya Yogashala in Rishikesh is an ideal way to deepen and evolve your yoga practice. The Intensive Hatha Yoga practice is the physical practice of yoga that uses posture, breath, and cleansing practices to prepare the body for meditation. Our intensive workshop approaches Hatha yoga traditionally as described in the ancient text “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”.

Benefits of Intensive Hatha Yoga Course at Diya Yogashala

The Intensive Hatha yoga course offered at Diya Yogashala includes practice and study of a variety of traditional Hatha yoga poses. Hatha yoga includes a variety of non-strenuous asanas that are held for an extended period of time while practicing deep breathing techniques. This course will help you to practice and learn ways in which to bring this practice and philosophy into your daily life.

Syllabus of the Intensive Hatha Yoga Course

  • Hatha Yoga Asanas:

Practising during Hatha yoga classes will bring balance and unity to the body. Classes integrate a sequence from the traditional Hatha system ranging from standing postures, forward folds to twists and inversions. The classes will help gain strength, flexibility and steadiness of mind and body.

  • Theory & Practice of Pranayama (Breathing Techniques):

Pranayama is the practice of controlling breath, considered the source of our energy. Its practice will work on the gross physical body, mind, intellect and deeper states of consciousness. Through pranayama, we tap into the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for various activities that occur when our body is resting. Pranayama is a means of attaining higher states of awareness and quieting the mind.

  • Yoga Nidra practice (Yogic Sleep):

Yoga Nidra is an ancient technique of self-exploration and inner growth. During its practice, students lie down in a relaxed position and are guided through visualisation exercises and techniques to increase body awareness. This practice helps you to move deeper into the subconscious, and works to process unresolved negative thoughts, habits and emotions. It is suitable for practitioners of all levels and leaves them feel rejuvenated and balanced.

  • Philosophy:

Yogic philosophy asserts that life keeps challenging us and that we should confront, accept and learn from these challenges. Philosophy teachers teach philosophy and apply the ancient theory to everyday life. One will learn more about the psychological and physical results of yogic practices and gain a deeper knowledge about ancient texts such as- Hatha Yoga Pradipika, The Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

  • Meditation/Mantra:

Meditation is practiced to increase self-awareness and quieten the mind; and is seen as a way to self-realisation. Students are exposed to several techniques ranging from mindful, guided, cleansing and concentrative practices. Mantra-chanting is also practiced during these sessions. Combining breath, sound and rhythm, students are taught to channel the flow of energy through mind-body, and restore common nervous system imbalances.

Availability of the Intensive Hatha Yoga Course

The Intensive Hatha yoga course is open to all level of practitioners ranging from beginner, intermediate or advanced; and have classes of 6 full days. There may be one rest day in between (usually Sunday but may differ according to students’ choice/requirement), so please plan your stay at Diya Yogashala for one full week. Since the course is a specific one, it may not be available all the time. So in order to be part of the course, please enquire when making your booking about whether the course will run during the dates of your stay or not.

Course Fee Includes:

  •   Tuition Fee for the course.
  •   Single Room Accommodation.
  •   Two full meals per day.
  •   Daily snacks with two time tea.

Payment Options:

  •   Information and Instructions for payment procedure will be sent to you with your letter of acceptance.
  •   To reserve your seat, you need to pay USD 200 as non-refundable deposit.
  •   The balance of the payment may be made on Orientation Day upon arrival in Rishikesh.
  •   The Payment methods we accept are cash (Indian Rupees or US Dollars), credit card and online transfer using Transferwise.
  •   Payments by online transfer may be made in any Currency, as we will receive all payments in Indian Rupees.

Refund Policy:

  •   Course fee including deposit paid for registration is non-refundable and it is valid for one year from the actual course date.
  •   Students are required to pay a deposit to secure their space, and the outstanding course fee must be paid in full before the course commences.
  •   Please note that we do not give refunds, so it is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully insured against any unforeseen circumstances that either prevent you from attending the course, or that require you to leave the course early.

Hatha Intensive- Diya Yogashala